It is mainly used on hard surface of any metal or stone to remove the deposition Of minerals and salts due to hard water use. It is used for cleaning steel equipments Structure or chrome plated objects, It helps in removing the deposition of , water marks ,stains and , Deposition of mineral and salts ,it gives shining to the steel , aluminum or any other Object not on copper or brass it is acidic in nature and should be kept away from Children. It is water soluble and biodegradable. In case of irritation on skin Wash with plenty of water apply any cream or lotion.

Uses - apply the solution directly to the steel object through scruber or any other applicator, then scrub with scruber to clean the steel object wash with water and wipe with dry cloth.

Contains - surfactant, mild acid, cleansers, stabilisers, emulsifier ,mild perfume IT IS FULLY WATERBASE AND BIODEGRADABLE.


5 ltrs.

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